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Alternative Energy

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Alternative Energy Coal-fired Co-generation Complex Division:


MG Power Group ,Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Ltd. (“FW Platinum Capital Group”) together with ERG Partners and the successor in interest to Electric Resource Group, Inc. (ERG), which was co-founded by its Executive Director - CEO, Mr. Manoel B. Banawa which has been operating since 1981 in Los Angeles, California, United States of America has expanded tremendously in recent years, doing projects in third world and developing countries respectively in the Asia-Pacific region helping them to achieve self-reliant and sustainable development. Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group maintain offices and representations in Hong Kong, Australia, the United States of America and Great Britain as well as, in Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, The Philippines and in other Asia - Pacific region, and with worldwide representations.


The firm was originally organised to develop, own, and operate alternative energy facilities - primarily electric co-generation plants, and power storage systems, including, in particular, in waste reprocessing and Plasma Gasification projects in Japan, Mainland China, and in the United States of America. MG Power Group ,Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group are currently completing preliminary engineering design and financing for power station installation in the Peoples’ Republic of China, as well as, for the establishment of Coal-Fired Power Plant to be fired by coal and co-produce pulp for paper making plus industrial gases. In order to expand its economic development with particular emphasis in the electrification program of the Philippine government, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group is pursuing a contract with other countries. The objective of MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group is to own, finance, construct, and operate the Coal-Fired Power Plant and integrated with a modern pulp and paper plants along with developing at least a 200-MW coal-fired power plant of substantial capacities at the subject mill premises and license to develop a new coal mine at a location to be negotiated with the Energy and Mineral Resources Division in other countries.


In this respect, it is important to assist reforms in economic structure, and promote socio-economic and social infrastructure development with particular emphasis in the coal mining and the electrification program, transfer of technology, leading to the economic effects of expanded employment for its people including in the export of paper-based products to Japan and to other countries for the much needed hard currency earnings - - thereby assisting the Philippines in economic growth and development. The 21st century will pose significant challenges to the world economy.


They will emerge as cross -border, global issues such as energy, food supply, global environment and poverty, and will spread to the developing countries as well as the industrial nations. It is at this juncture and such circumstances that MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group have teamed up with various leading American, Canadian, European, Chinese, and Japanese and with other international organizations - are vigorously engaging in international business cooperation, focusing on coal-fired power plants, wastes reprocessing and Plasma Gasification projects, pulp and paper and alternative energy as well as related industrial development. Responding to this concern, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group are stepping up its efforts to seek other co-participating technical and financial collaborators which also serve to raise the level of sophistication of the coal-fired power plants, production of environmentally friendly kenaf pulp and paper and waste reprocessing projects as well as alternative energy and other related industries and uplift the living standard of such countries as the Philippines in particular.


Collaboration with the Japan Kenaf Association in developing the applications and market for kenaf pulp in Japan to promote kenaf pulp as an environmentally friendly alternative to produce more pulp from our limited forests as been favourably endorsed by its president, Dr. Hiroshi Inagaki of Kyoto, Japan some years ago.


In other countries, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group Partners plan to acquire and construct small,1.5 to 10.0 megawatt hydroelectric, biomass-fired, and wind power generation facilities as well as to rehabilitate several existing hydroelectric facilities. In addition, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group Partners will construct a number of small hydroelectric plants in “flow of the stream” circumstances identified in Sri Lanka that will not effect existing riparian rights. Furthermore, First World Platinum Group Partners plans to purchase and build ten small burning facilities to be fueled primarily by baggase.


These installations will have an average generating capacity of 3,000 kilowatts - - with about 1,000 kilowatts to be made available to be used locally by nearby residents and with the remaining average of 2,000 kilowatts transmitted to the interconnection point with the facilities of the Ceylon Electricity Board. In addition, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group have planned a 200-MW coal-fired co-generation complex in a joint-venture with an established chemicals and paper maker in certain region of China. The proposed facilities will re-power the existing plant as well as new installations for making paper, industrial gases, cement castings, a dairy, greenhouses, and a distillery. In a separate Project in an existing undeveloped industrial tract for a certain location in China, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group have planned a 100-MW coal-fired co-generation plant to produce industrial gases,non-wood paper pulp for export, refined corn products, and concrete castings.


In order to provide more effective and efficient technical and financial collaboration, which carries out in seeking collaborative efforts for financial and investment projects, we are collaborating with both public and private financial and investment organizations particularly, in Japan and in other countries. At each stage of the process of drawing up preparation, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group’s Consultancy and Implementation Management Department and its staff are undertaking continuing specific studies and participates in technical collaboration that monitor the progress of its projects. Recent cooperation has been further reinforced through execution of detailed designs of MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group projects through Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group development studies; carrying out MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group’s training for its staff; and the dispatching of its specialists to Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group’s overseas projects. In these way, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group are tackling the provision of effective and efficient project undertaking through even closer collaboration with its co-participating co-development organisation.


These relationships are also expected to play a vital role in environmental and social sector issues. MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group have held discussions with its co-participating partners and with major financial institutions and they are agreeable to lending to the proposed project in the Philippines, Mainland China, and other MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group projects and they have pointed out the renewed interest in such projects from commercial banks, investors and funding institutions. We believe that loans and funding/investments can finance at least 70% of the total project cost and the balance of the equity investments of 30% will be provided by MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group led group consortium and could take the lead in marketing some of the co-products, particularly the paper items. We have engineers – in the U.S.A. in collaboration with Mainland Chinese organisation for the local portion in Mainland China projects which would like to do the preliminary overall design. Recent negotiations were handled by our MG Power Group, Diamond Point Group & First World Platinum Capital Group and its collaborating partners with major U.S. engineering companies in the U.S. that have been recognised in the United States by POWER Magazine as one of the best co-generation design. We have recommended that the detailed design done in the countries with some foreign supervision. There are many procurement and construction decisions to be made in consultation with our partners.

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Pictured: Site inspection for a proposed Power generation plant integrated with Kenaf Paper Pulp Project in the Province of Anhui, Mainland China with Chairman - Director D. Sam Scheele third from left and Manoel B. Banawa, Co-chairman - Director & CEO, the tallest in the picture (second from right) both from the Los Angeles - USA-based ERG Group together with Anhui Province government officials.




 Today, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Ltd. Platform Company, an affiliate of the Diamond Group of Companies, will be pursuing with its collaborating partners in the preparation for construction of the Biomass Plant and in the Wind Power Generation plant in the Asia Pacific and ASEAN Region which will start during the year 2021 – 2022, as the feasibility studies will be completed by the end of 2021, and commercial operation is scheduled to start in 2022 – 2023.

 The New Wind Power Generation plant will have a total capacity of 100 MW. An environmental assessment is in the works now and the project will operate in an environmentally friendly manner. Another Biomass project will be partly operated by biomass fuel and supply steam to its project sites as well as generate electricity. The electricity off-taken by Diamond Point Ltd. will be sold to end-users through its wholly-owned subsidiary, MG Power Group, Diamond Point Ltd., and its collaborating electric – power companies. Biomass One was established in the State of Oregon, and in Westwood Boulevard, Los Angeles, California, the United States of America with my late colleague, Master Architect D. Sam Scheele, and myself (Manoel B. Banawa) in the 1990s.


We are weighing in undersea cable projects 

for offshore wind power generation

Ocean transmission lines offer a cheaper solution to distributed renewable energy

The Walney Extension offshore wind farm off the coast of Blackpool, U.K: we are looking 

to follow the example of European countries in developing offshore wind power. projects.


PICTURED: Ocular inspection of a Proposed Site for a Geothermal Power Plant atop of the Indonesian Sleeping Volcano, 4,000 feet above sea level. Noel Banawa and John HW Lee 3rd and 4th from left and the rests are our colleagues and Indonesian engineers and South Korean consultant of the proposed project, the picture was taken in 2018.

PICTURED: From Left 2 Right>>> With our colleague from Seoul and Indonesia while CEO Noel Banawa and VP John HW Lee from The Diamond Point Ltd., picture was taken next to the Geothermal Power Plant atop the 4,000 feet above sea level Sleeping Volcano in the Indonesian mountains.

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From Left 2 Right >>>  Mr. Nguyen Viet Hong from Vietnam, Manoel Banawa from the USA - UK and The Philippines, Khoun Ly, from USA and Cambodia, and Mr. John H.W.Lee, South Korea for the establishment and funding of Structured 

Project Funding in the ASEAN Region, the picture was taken in the Capital City of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, the picture was taken in the year 2019.

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